Locke, Christopher

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LOCKE, Christopher

LOCKE, Christopher. American, b. 1947. Genres: Business/Trade/Industry, Marketing. Career: Fujitsu International Engineering, Ricoh Software Research Center, North-Holland/Elsevier Science Publishers, and Institute for New Generation Computer Technology, Tokyo, Japan, technical editor, 1983-85; Carnegie Group, Pittsburgh, PA, director of corporate communications, 1985-91; Intelligent Technology Group, Pittsburgh, PA, vice president of corporate communications, 1985-91; Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, director of industrial relations, 1985-91; CIMLINC, Chicago, IL, director of corporate communications, 1991-92; Avalanche Development, Boulder, CO, vice president of business development, 1992-93; CMP Publications, Manhasset, NY, founding editor of Internet Business Report, 1993; MecklerWeb Corporation, Westport, CT, president, 1994; internetMCI, Reston, VA, editor and publisher, 1995; IBM, White Plains, NY, program director of online community development, 1995-96; Entropy Web Consulting, Boulder, CO, president, 1996-; Entropy Gradient Reversals, Boulder, CO, editor and publisher, 1996-; Displaytech, Boulder, CO, vice president of business development, 1996-97; personalization.com, Boulder, CO, editor-in-chief, 1999-2000; speaker. Publications: (with R. Levine, D. Searls, and D. Weinberger) The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual, 2000; Gonzo Marketing: Winning Through Worst Practices, 2001; The Bombast Transcripts: Rants and Screeds of RageBoy, 2002. Contributor to periodicals. Address: 930-D West Moorhead Circle, Boulder, CO 80305, U.S.A. Online address: clocke@panix.com