Laponce, Jean Antoine

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LAPONCE, Jean Antoine

LAPONCE, Jean Antoine. French/Canadian, b. 1925. Genres: Politics/Government. Career: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, assistant professor, 1956-61, associate professor, 1961-66, professor of political science, 1966-92, emeritus, 1992-; former instructor in political science, University of Santa Clara, California; University of Ottawa, Institute of Interethnic Relations, director, 1993-2001. Publications: The Protection of Minorities, 1961; The Government of France under the Fifth Republic, 1962; People vs. Politics, 1970; (ed. with P. Smoker) Experimentation and Simulation in Political Science, 1971; Left and Right: The Topography of Political Perceptions, 1981; Langue et Territoire, 1984, trans. as Languages and Their Territories, 1987. Address: Dept of Political Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z1. Online address: