Kunze, Michael

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KUNZE, Michael

KUNZE, Michael. Czech, b. 1943. Genres: Adult non-fiction. Career: Lyric writer, record producer, playwright and librettist, and translator of musicals; historian, c. 1980-. Publications: Der Prozess Pappenheimer (nonfiction; title means The Pappenheimer Trial), 1980; Strasse ins Feure (nonfiction; title means Highroad into Fire), 1982; Highroad to the Stake: A Tale of Witchcraft (nonfiction), trans. by W.E. Yuill, 1987; Der Freiheit eine Gasse (title means Give Way to Freedom). Author of German-language television scripts. Author of musicals, including Elizabeth, Dance of the Vampires, and Mozart. Address: c/o Richard Roemer, Cavalier Entertainment Corp, 205 West End Ave #11M, New York, NY 10023, U.S.A. Online address: drkunze@ix.netcom.com