Kuntz, John Kenneth
KUNTZ, John Kenneth
KUNTZ, John Kenneth. American, b. 1934. Genres: Theology/Religion. Career: Wellesley College, MA, instructor in biblical history, 1963-65, assistant professor, 1965-67; University of Iowa, Iowa City, Dept of Religious Studies, assistant professor, 1967-70, associate professor, 1970-76, professor of religion, 1976-. Publications: The Self-Revelation of God, 1967; The World of the Old Testament, 1968, 4th ed., 1988; The World of the New Testament, 1968, rev. ed., 1996; The People of Ancient Israel: An Introduction to Old Testament Literature, History, and Thought, 1974; Religion and Women: Images of Women in the Bible, 1978, rev. ed., 1995; Biblical Archaeology: Scratching the Surface in the Holy Land, 1982, rev. ed., 1995; Prophecy in Biblical Israel, 1991. Address: 321 Koser Ave, Iowa City, IA 52246, U.S.A. Online address: ken-kuntz@uiowa.edu