Kovel, Joel

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KOVEL, Joel. American, b. 1936. Genres: Politics/Government, Psychology, Race relations, Social commentary. Career: Alger Hiss Professor of Social Studies, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York. Formerly Prof of Psychiatry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York, and psychoanalyst in private practice. Publications: White Racism: A Psychohistory, 1970; A Complete Guide to Therapy, 1976; The Age of Desire, 1982; Against the State of Nuclear Terror, 1984; The Radical Spirit (essays), 1988; In Nicaragua, 1988; History and Spirit, 1991; Red Hunting in the Promised Land, 1994; The Enemy of Nature, 2001. Address: Box 89, Willow, NY 12495, U.S.A. Online address: jkovel@prodigy.net

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Kovel, Joel

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