Kinkead-Weekes, Mark
KINKEAD-WEEKES, Mark. British (born South Africa), b. 1931. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: Fellow of the British Academy. University of Edinburgh, Assistant, then Lecturer, 1956-65; University of Kent, Canterbury, Lecturer, then Sr. Lecturer, 1965-73, Pro Vice-Chancellor, 1974-78, Professor of English Literature, from 1974, now emeritus. Publications: (co-author) William Golding: A Critical Study, 1967; Samuel Richardson: Dramatic Novelist, 1973; D.H. Lawrence: Triumph to Exile 1912-1922, 1996; William Golding: A Critical Study of the Twelve Novels, 2002. EDITOR: (co) Alexander Pope, 1962; Twentieth Century Interpretations of the Rainbow, 1971; The Rainbow, 1990. Address: 5 Albion Pl, Ramsgate, Kent CT11 8HQ, England. Online address: