Kennedy, Paul Michael

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KENNEDY, Paul Michael

KENNEDY, Paul Michael. British, b. 1945. Genres: History. Career: University of Oxford, Theodor Heuss Research Fellow, 1968-69; University of East Anglia, Norwich, lecturer, 1970-75, reader in history, 1975-83; Yale University, New Haven, CT, Dilworth Professor of History, 1983-. British Academy, fellow; CBE. Publications: Pacific Onslaught, 1972; Pacific Victory, 1973; The Samoan Tangle: A Study in Anglo-German-American Relations 1878-1900, 1974; The Rise and Fall of British Naval Mastery, 1976; The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, 1988; Preparing for the Twenty-First Century, 1993. EDITOR: The War Plans of the Great Powers 1880-1914, 1979; The Rise of Anglo-German Antagonism 1860-1914, 1980; The Realities behind Diplomacy, 1981; Nationalist and Racialist Movements in Britain and Germany before 1914, 1981; Grand Strategies in War and Peace, 1991; Global Trends, 1994. Address: Dept of History, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, U.S.A. Online address:

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Kennedy, Paul Michael

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