Kelly, Deirdre M.

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KELLY, Deirdre M.

KELLY, Deirdre M. American/Canadian, b. 1959. Genres: Education, Sociology, Women's studies and issues. Career: High school music appreciation teacher in Santa Clara, CA, 1988-89; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, associate professor of sociology of schooling, 1991-. Publications: Hard Work, Hard Choices: A Survey of Women in St. Lucia's Export-Oriented Electronics Factories, 1986; Last Chance High: How Girls and Boys Drop in and out of Alternative Schools, 1993; (co-ed.) Debating Dropouts, 1996; Pregnant with Meaning: Teen Mothers and the Politics of Inclusive Schooling, 2000. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Dept of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia, 2125 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4. Online address:

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