Kein, Sybil

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KEIN, Sybil

KEIN, Sybil. (Consuela Provost). American, b. 1939. Genres: Plays/Screenplays, Poetry. Career: Educator, poet, dramatist, musician, lecturer, and performer specializing in Creole arts and culture; frequently gives poetry readings, musical performances, and lectures. Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA, instructor in public speaking, 1970-72; Upward Bound, New Orleans, LA, instructor in communications skills, 1971; University of Michigan at Flint, instructor in English and theater, 1972-75, assistant professor, 1975-78, associate professor, 1979-88, professor of English, 1988-. Children's Theater Touring Company, director, 1972-74; Consultant to McCree Theater, Flint, 1976-79; United Teachers of Flint, 1976-79; Pre-Congress Session on the Arts, Michigan Council for the Arts, 1978; and National Council of English, 1978-80. Consultant for PBS documentary film Storyville, 1993-94, and the documentary film Spirit Tides from Congo Square; producer and video-camera operator, Excerpts from the Jazz Funeral of James Black, 1988. Also musician; records, with brother, Charles Moore. Publications: PLAYS: Saints and Flowers, 1965; Projection One and The Black Box, 1967; The Christmas Holly, 1967; Deep River Rises, 1970; The Reverend, 1970; Get Together, 1970; When I Grow Up, 1973-74; Rouges Along the River Flint, 1977, revised as River Rouges, 1979. OTHER: Visions from the Rainbow, 1979; Gombo People: Poesies Creole de la Nouvelle Orleans (poetry in Creole and English), 1981; Delta Dancer, 1984; An American South (poetry), 1997. Contributor of poetry and essays to anthologies. Contributor of poems, articles, and book reviews to journals. Address: English Department, 326 French Hall, University of Michigan Flint, 303 E. Kearsley St., Flint, MI 48502, U.S.A. Online address:

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