Jarvik, Laurence
JARVIK, Laurence
JARVIK, Laurence. American, b. 1956. Genres: Communications/Media. Career: Writer, and director of motion pictures. University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Film and Television, teaching assistant and teaching associate, 1986-88, teaching fellow, 1990-91; California State University, Department of Communication Studies, assistant professor, 1989-90; The Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC, Bradley Resident Scholar, 1991-92, adjunct scholar, 1992-96, 1996-97; Comint: A Journal about Public Media, Washington editor, 1992-96; Center for the Study of Popular Culture, Washington, DC, Director, 1992-96; Capital Research Center, Washington, DC, Cultural Studies fellow, editor of Culture Watch and Foundation Watch, 1996-97; Also producer, director, and writer of documentary films. Publications: PBS: Behind the Screen, 1997; Masterpiece Theatre and the Politics of Quality, 1998. SCREENPLAYS: Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die? (documentary), 1981. EDITOR: (with D. Horowitz) Public Broadcasting and the Public Trust, 1995; (with H.I. London and J.F. Cooper) The National Endowments: A Critical Symposium, 1995. Contributor to periodicals. Address: c/o Carol Mann, Carol Mann Agency, 55 Fifth Ave., 15th Floor, New York, NY 10003, U.S.A. Online address: E-mail-lajarvik@erols.com