Ioffe, Grigory

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IOFFE, Grigory

IOFFE, Grigory. American (born U.S.S.R.), b. 1951. Genres: Area studies, Demography. Career: Institute for Rural Construction Planning, Moscow, USSR, junior research associate, 1974-77, senior research associate, 1977-80; USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, junior research associate at Institute of Geography, 1980-86, senior research associate, 1986-88, department head, 1988-89; Radford University, Radford, VA, assistant professor, 1990-94, associate professor, 1994-2000, professor of geography, 2000-. Publications: (with T. Nefedova) Continuity and Change in Rural Russia, 1997; (with T. Nefedova) Environs of Russian Cities, 2000. Contributor to professional journals. ENGLISH TITLES OF BOOKS PUBLISHED IN RUSSIAN: (with A. Igudina) Applications of the Factor Analysis in Physical Planning: Guidelines for Planners, 1980; Non-Chernozem Zone: Social Geography and Agriculture, 1986; Agriculture in the Non-Chernozem Zone: Regional Problems, 1990; (with O. Gritsai and A. Treivisch) Center and Periphery in Regional Development, 1991; (with Treivisch, G. Privalovskaya, S. Tarkhov, and others) Territorial Structure of the Economy in the Regions of Old Colonization, 1995. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: Territorial Organization of the Economy as a Development Factor, 1987; Population under Duress: The Geodemography of Post-Soviet Russia, 1999. Address: 2113 Charlton Ln, Radford, VA 24141, U.S.A. Online address:

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