Huang, Chun-chieh
HUANG, Chun-chieh
HUANG, Chun-chieh. Taiwanese, b. 1946. Genres: History, Area studies. Career: National Taiwan University, Taipei, lecturer, 1975-80, associate professor, 1980-84, professor of history, 1984-97, distinguished professor of history, 1997-, director of Center for General Education, 1995-. National Tsing Hua University, professor, 1985-86; University of Washington, Seattle, visiting professor, 1986-87; University of Leiden, visiting scholar, 1989; National Chung-cheng University, professor, 1991-92; Free University of Berlin, visiting scholar, 1992; Chinese University of Hong Kong, visiting scholar, 1993; Rutgers University, visiting professor, 1994; Academia Sinica, research fellow, 1998-. Publications: Mencian Hermeneutics: A History of Praxis-Reflections in China, 2000. EDITOR: (with S. Harrell) Cultural Change in Postwar Taiwan, 1993; (with E. Zuercher) Norms and the State in China, 1993; (with F.P. Brandauer) Imperial Rulership and Cultural Change in Traditional China, 1994; (with Zuercher) Time and Space in Chinese Culture, 1995; (with F.F. Taso) Postwar Taiwan Experience in Historical Perspectives, 1998. IN CHINESE: Lih-shih te T'an-suo (Enquiries Into History), 1981; (ed. and trans.) Shih-Hsueh Fang-fa Lun-ts'ung (Essays on Historical Methodology), 1981; Ku-tai Hsi-la Ch'eng-pang yu Min-chu Cheng-chih (The Ancient Greek City-States and Democracy), 1981; (ed.) Shen Tsung-han Hsien-sheng Nien-p'u (Dr. Shen Tsung-han: Chronological Biography), 1981; Li-shih yu Hsien-shih (History and Reality), 1982; (ed.) T'ien Tao yu Jen Tao (The Way of Nature and the Way of Man), 1982; (ed.) Li-hsiang yu Hsien-shih (Ideals and Reality), 1982; (co-author) Wuo-kuo Nung-yeh Chien-she ti Hui-ku yu Chang-wang (Agricultural Construction in Mainland China and Taiwan: Retrospect and Prospect), 1983; Ju-chia Ch'uant'ung yu Wen-hua Ch'uang-hsin (The Confucian Tradition and Cultural Innovation), 1983; (ed.) Mien-tui Lih-shih ti T'iao-chan: Shen Tsung-han yu Wuo-kuo Nung-yeh Hsien-tai Hua (Meeting the Challenge of History: Dr. Shen Tsung-han and the Modernization of Agriculture in China), 1984; (co-author) Kuang-fu Hou T'ai-wan Nung-yeh Cheng-ts'e ti Yen-pien: Lih-shih yu She-hui ti Fen-hsi (Development of Agricultural Policies in Postwar Taiwan: A Socio-Historical Analysis), 1986; (ed.) Chung-kuo Wen-hua Shih, I (The Cultural History of China, Vol I), 1986; (ed.) Chung-kuo Wen-hua Shih Shang Ts'e, Chiao-shih Shou-ts'e, I, II (teacher's manual; The Cultural History of China, Vol I, Parts 1 and 2), 1987; T'ai-wan Nung-ts'un ti Huanghun (The Dusk in Rural Taiwan), 1988; Nung-fu-hui yu T'ai-wan Ching-yen, 1949-79 (The Sino-American Commission Reconstruction and Taiwan Experience, 1949-79), 1991; Meng Hsueh Ssuhsiang Shih Lun (Treatise on the History of Thoughts on the Mencius), Vol. I, 1991, Vol. II, 1997; (co-editor) Kuang-fu Huo T'ai-wan Ti-ch'u Fa-chan Ching-yen (The Development of Taiwan After World War II), 1991; (co-author) Chan-huo T'ai-wan Nung-min Chia-chih Ch'u-hsiang ti Chuan-pien (Transformation of Farmers' Value Orientation in Postwar Taiwan), 1992; Chan-huo T'ai-wan te Chiao-yu yu Ssu-hsiang (Education and Thought in Postwar Taiwan), 1992; (ed.) Chung-kuo Nung-ts'un Fu-hsing Lien-ho Wei-yuan Hui K'uo-shu Li-shih Fang-wen Chi-lu (Reminiscences of the Staffs of the Sino-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction), 1992; Meng Tzu (Mencius), 1993; Chan-huo Tai-wan ti chuan-hsing chi-ch'i chan-wan (The Postwar Taiwan Transformation and Its Prospect), 1995; (ed.) Meng-tzu ssu-hsiang ti li-shih fa-chan (The Historical Development of Mencius's Thought), 1995; (ed.) Kaohsiung Li-shih yu Wenhua lun-chi (Essay on the History and Culture of Kaohsiung), Vol. I, 1994, Vol. II, 1995, Vol. III, 1996, Vol. IV, 1997; (ed.) Chung-kuo Nung-ts'un Fu-hsing Lien-ho Wei-yuan Hui Shihliao Hui-pien (Selected Historical Materials of the Sino-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction); (co-ed) Tung-ya Wen-hua ti t'an-shou (Inquiries into East Asian Culture), 2 vols, 1997. Contributor to books and scholarly journals. Address: Commission for General Education, National Taiwan University, 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 107, Taiwan. Online address: