Houston, James D.
HOUSTON, James D. American, b. 1933. Genres: Novels, Plays/Screenplays, Adult non-fiction, Biography, Film, Travel/Exploration. Career: Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA, instructor in English, 1962-64; guitar instructor in Santa Cruz, CA, 1964-66; Stanford University, Stanford, CA, lecturer in English, 1967-68; University of California, Santa Cruz, lecturer in writing, 1969-88, visiting professor in literature, 1989-93. Writer-in-residence and visiting writer at US universities. Consultant. Publications: NOVELS: Between Battles, 1968; Gig, 1969; A Native Son of the Golden West, 1971; Continental Drift, 1978; Love Life, 1985; The Last Paradise, 1998; Snow Mountain Passage, 2001. NONFICTION: (with B. Finney) Surfing: The Sport of Hawaiian Kings, 1996, rev. ed, Surfing: A History of the Ancient Hawaiian Sport, 1996; (with J.W. Houston) Farewell to Manzanar: A True Story of Japanese American Experience during and after the World War II Internment, 1973, new ed, 2002; Writing from the Inside (textbook), 1973; (with J.R. Brodie) Open Field (biography), 1974; Three Songs for My Father (essays), 1974; (with J.W. Houston and J. Korty) Farewell to Manzanar (screenplay), 1976; Californians: Searching for the Golden State, 1982; One Can Think about Life after the Fish Is in the Canoe and Other Coastal Sketches, 1985; The Men in My Life, and Other More or Less True Recollections of Kinship (personal stories), 1987; In the Ring of Fire: A Pacific Basin Journey, 1997. SCREENPLAYS, HAWAIIAN LEGACY FOUNDATION FILM SERIES (cultural documentaries): Li'a: The Legacy of the Hawaiian Man, 1988; Listen to the Forest, 1991; The Hawaiian Way: The Art and Family Tradition of Slack-Key Music, 1993; Words, Earth, and Aloha: The Sources of Hawaiian Music, 1995; Luther Makekau: One Kine Hawaiian Man, 1997; Hawaiian Voices: Bridging Past to Present, 1998; The Sons of Hawai'i: A Sound, a Band, a Legend, 2000. EDITOR: (with G. Haslam) California Heartland: Writings from the Great Central Valley, 1978; West Coast Fiction: Modern Writing from California, Oregon, and Washington, 1979; (with J. Hicks, M.H. Kingston, and A. Young) The Literature of California: Writings from the Golden State, Vol. 1: Native American Beginnings to 1945, 2000. OTHER: The Adventures of Charlie Bates (short stories), 1973, enlarged ed. as Gasoline: The Automotive Adventures of Charlie Bates, 1980; (with J.W. Houston) Barrio (teleplay). Contributor to books. Contributor of short stories and articles periodicals. Address: 2-1130 East Cliff Dr., Santa Cruz, CA 95062, U.S.A. Online address: jhouston@cruzio.com