Houston, Gloria
HOUSTON, Gloria. American. Genres: Children's fiction, Young adult fiction, Education. Career: Junior high and high school teacher in Winston-Salem, NC, 1963-64, Irving, TX, 1967-72, Riverview, FL, 1972-73, Brandon, FL, 1974-79, 1983, and Plant City, FL, 1981-82; University of South Florida, instructor, 1982-, author in residence, 1989-94, assistant professor and director of Center for the Study of Child-Writing, 1992-; Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC, author in residence, 1994-2002. Gives lectures and conducts workshops on teaching and writing; consultant in educational curriculua. Publications: My Brother Joey Died, 1982; The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree, 1988; Littlejim, 1990; My Great-Aunt Arizona, 1992; But No Candy, 1992; Mountain Valor, 1994; Littlejim's Gift, 1994; Littlejim's Dreams, 1998; Bright Freedom's Song, 1998; Miss Dorothy and Her Bookmobile, 2001. Contributor of chapters to scholarly books, and author of instructional materials, textbooks, academic papers, and articles. Address: c/o McIntosh & Otis, 353 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10016, U.S.A. Online address: ghinc@ioa.com; houston@wcu.edu