Holeman, Linda

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HOLEMAN, Linda. Canadian, b. 1949. Genres: Novellas/Short stories, Children's fiction, Young adult fiction. Career: Frontier School Division, South Indian Lake, Manitoba, classroom and resource teacher, 1974-76; Ryerson School, Fort Garry School Division, Winnipeg, classroom and resource teacher, 1977-84; Continuing Education Division, University of Winnipeg, creative writing instructor, 1996-; Winnipeg Public Library, writer-inresidence, 1999-2000. Publications: FOR YOUNG ADULTS. STORIES: Saying Good-bye, 1995, as Toxic Love, 2003; NOVELS: Promise Song, 1997; Mercy's Birds, 1998; Raspberry House Blues, 2000; Search of the Moon King's Daughter, 2002. FOR CHILDREN: Frankie on the Run, 1995. FOR ADULTS: Flying to Yellow (short stories), 1996; Devil's Darning Needle (short stories), 1999. Address: 728 South Dr, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 0C3. Online address: lholeman@shaw.ca

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