Holdheim, W(illiam) Wolfgang
HOLDHEIM, W(illiam) Wolfgang
HOLDHEIM, W(illiam) Wolfgang. American (born Germany), b. 1926. Genres: Literary criticism and history, Philosophy, Translations. Career: Professor Emeritus, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1990- (Professor of Comparative Literature, 1969-90, and Frederic J. Whiton Professor of Liberal Studies, 1974-90). Instructor of French, Ohio State University, 1955-57; Instructor of European Languages and Literature, 1957-58, Assistant Professor, 1958-61, and Associate Professor, 1961-64, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts; Professor of French and Comparative Literature, Washington University, 1964-69. Publications: Benjamin Constant, 1961; (trans.) Ressentiment, by Max Scheler, 1961; Theory and Practice of the Novel, 1968; Der Justizirrtum als literarische Problematik, 1969; Die Suche nach dem Epos, 1978; The Hermeneutic Mode, 1984; Lest We Forget Our Former Works in the U.S.A. 1794-1997, 1997; The Spiritan Story of Puerto Rico 1931-1998, 1998. Address: 600 S Ocean Blvd Apt 1204, Boca Raton, FL 33432, U.S.A. Online address: csspeast@sgi.net