Hibbs, Euthymia D.
HIBBS, Euthymia D.
HIBBS, Euthymia D. American (born Greece), b. 1937. Genres: Psychology. Career: Catholic University of St. Louis, Brussels, Belgium, instructor, 1963-65; Titeca Mental Health Hospital, Brussels, intern in clinical psychology and psychotherapy, 1964-67; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, International Staff, Brussels, staff psychologist, 1967-71; Tufts University Medical School, Boston, MA, director of community mental health and social works departments at Tufts-Columbia Point Health Center, 1971-74, and lecturer in psychiatry, 1972-74; American Oil Companies School, Tripoli, Libya, school psychologist, 1974-76; private practice of psychotherapy, 1974-76, 1983-; National Institute of Mental Health, clinical research psychologist at mental health study center, 1977-83, research psychologist in division of intramural research programs, 1982-83, and division's biological psychiatry branch, 1983-85, clinical research psychologist in child psychiatry branch, 1985-91, head of psychosocial treatment research program in clinical research division, 1991-2002; George Washington University, adjunct associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences 1994-; speaker at international psychiatry conferences; consultant. Publications: Psychosocial Treatment Research of Child and Adolescent Disorders, 1996, 2nd ed., 2004. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: Children and Families: Studies in Prevention and Intervention, 1988; Adoption: International Perspectives, 1991. Contributor to books. Author of articles in Greek. Contributor to scientific journals. Address: 7302 Durbin Terrace, Bethesda, MD 20817, U.S.A. Online address: euthymiah@aol.com