Hiatt, Howard H(aym)

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HIATT, Howard H(aym)

HIATT, Howard H(aym). American, b. 1925. Genres: Medicine/Health. Career: Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, instructor, 1955-57, assistant professor, 1957-63, professor of medicine, 1963-, Herrman L. Blumgart Professor, 1963-72, dean of School of Public Health, 1972-84. Medical College, Cornell University and New York Hospital, research fellow, 1951-53; National Institute for Arthritis and Metabolic Disorders, investigator, 1953-55; Beth Israel Hospital, associate in medicine, 1955-63, physician-in-chief, 1963-72; Brigham and Women's Hospital, senior physician, 1985-; Imperial Cancer Research Fund Laboratory, London, visiting scientist, 1969-70; American Academy of Arts & Sciences, director, initiatives for children, 1992-. Publications: America's Health in the Balance: Choice or Chance?, 1987, as Medical Lifeboat: Will There Be Room for You in the Health Care System?, 1989; A Measure of Malpractice, 1993. Address: Brigham and Women's Hospital, 75 Francis St, Boston, MA 02115, U.S.A. Online address: HHIATT@BICS.BWH.HARVARD.EDU

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