Hermans, Hubert J. M.

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HERMANS, Hubert J. M.

HERMANS, Hubert J. M. Dutch, b. 1937. Genres: Psychology. Career: Asthma Center, Groesbeek, Netherlands, assistant psychologist and diagnostician, 1963-65; Catholic University of Nijmegen, Netherlands, staff member at Psychology Laboratory, 1965-72, lecturer, 1972-80, professor of psychology, 1980-. Guest lecturer at Catholic University of Lublin and University of Ghent; guest professor at University of Louvain and Duquesne University. Publications: (with H. Kempen) The Dialogical Self: Meaning as Movement, 1993; (with E. Hermans-Jansen) Self-Narratives: The Construction of Meaning in Psychotherapy, 1995. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Department of Clinical Psychology and Personality, Catholic University of Nijmegen, PO Box 9104, 6500 HE Nymegen, Netherlands. Online address: HHermans@psych.kun.nl

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