Hawke, Gary Richard

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HAWKE, Gary Richard

HAWKE, Gary Richard. New Zealander, b. 1942. Genres: Economics, History. Career: Victoria University of Wellington, lecturer, 1968-70, reader 1971-73, professor of economic history, 1974-, head, School of Government, 2003-. New Zealand Economic Papers, editor, 1973-77; Institute of Policy Studies, director, 1987-98. Publications: Railways and Economic Growth in England and Wales, 1840-1870, 1970; The Development of the British Economy, 1870-1914, 1970; Between Governments and Banks: A History of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, 1973; The Evolution of the New Zealand Economy, 1977; Economics for Historians, 1980; The Making of New Zealand, 1985; (ed.) Changing Politics? The Electoral Referendum, 1993; Improving Policy Advice, 1993; The Thoroughbred among Yanks in New Zealand, vol. 1: 1872-1947, The Early Years, 1997; (ed.) Free Trade in the New Millennium, 1999. Address: School of Government, Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand. Online address: Gary.Hawke@vuw.ac.nz