Harrison, Trevor (W.)

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HARRISON, Trevor (W.)

HARRISON, Trevor (W.). Canadian. Genres: Politics/Government, Public/Social administration, Sociology. Career: University of Lethbridge, AB, affiliated with sociology department. Publications: Of Passionate Intensity: Right-Wing Populism and the Reform Party of Canada, 1995; Requiem for a Lightweight: Stockwell Day and Image Politics, 2002. EDITOR: (with G. Laxer) The Trojan Horse: Alberta and the Future of Canada, 1995; (with J. Kachur) Contested Classrooms: Education, Globalization, and Democracy in Alberta, 1999. Address: Department of Sociology, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB, Canada T1K 3M4. Online address: trevor.harrison@uleth.ca