Harriger, Katy J(ean)

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HARRIGER, Katy J(ean)

HARRIGER, Katy J(ean). American, b. 1957. Genres: Politics/Government. Career: University of Connecticut, Hartford Branch, instructor in political science, 1983, 1984; Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, instructor, 1985-86, assistant professor, 1986-91, associate professor, 1991-2002, Zachary T. Smith Professor, 2002-; resident scholar at Spice II Bicentennial Institute, 1987, 1988. Publications: Independent Justice: The Federal Special Prosecutor in American Politics, 1992; The Special Prosecutor in American Politics, 2000. EDITOR: Separation of Powers: Commentary & Documents, 2003. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor of articles and reviews to political science and history journals and newspapers. Address: Dept of Political Science, C-309 Tribble Hall, Wake Forest University, Box 7568, Winston-Salem, NC 27109, U.S.A. Online address: harriger@wfu.edu

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