Harre, Rom
HARRE, Rom. British, b. 1927. Genres: Psychology, Sciences. Career: University of Leicester, Lecturer, 1957-59; Linacre College, Oxford, University Lecturer in Philosophy of Science, 1960-97, Emeritus Fellow, 1997-; State University of New York, Binghamton, Adjunct Professor, 1973-98; Georgetown University, Washington, Professor of Psychology, DC, 1989-. Publications: An Introduction to the Logic of the Sciences, 1960; Theories and Things, 1961; Matter and Method, 1964; The Anticipation of Nature, 1965; The Method of Science, 1970; The Principles of Scientific Thinking, 1970; The Philosophies of Science, 1972; (with P.F. Second) The Explanation of Social Behaviour, 1972; (with E.H. Madden) Causal Powers, 1972; Social Being, 1979; Personal Being, 1983; Varieties of Realism, 1986; (with P. Muhlhausler) Pronouns and People, 1990; One Thousand Years of Philosophy, 2000. EDITOR: F. Waismann, The Principles of Linguistic Philosophy, 1965; The Sciences, 1967; Scientific Thought 1900-1960, 1969; Problems of Scientific Revolution, 1975. Address: Linacre College, Oxford OX1 3JA, England. Online address: harre@georgetown.edu