Harlan, Judith
HARLAN, Judith
HARLAN, Judith. American, b. 1949. Genres: Adult non-fiction. Career: Freelance journalist and author. Harbor Times (a beach and harbor weekly), editor, 1980-81; Murphy Organization (advertising agency), news copywriter, 1982-83; Freebies (magazine), editor, 1984-85; Oxnard College, instructor, 1991-. Has also worked as a feature and news stringer for the Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, CA. Publications: American Indians Today: Issues and Conflicts, 1987; Hispanic Voters: Gaining a Voice in American Politics, 1988; Sounding the Alarm: A Biography of Rachel Carson, 1989; Bilingualism in the United States: Conflict and Controversy, 1991; Puerto Rico: Deciding Its Future, 1996; Girl Talk: Staying Strong, Feeling Good, Sticking Together, 1997; Feminism: A Reference Handbook, 1998; Mamphela Ramphele: Ending Apartheid in South Africa, 2000. Contributor to periodicals. Address: c/o Author Mail, Feminist Press, 365 Fifth Ave., Ste. 5406, New York, NY 10016, U.S.A. Online address: judith_harlan@yahoo.com