Hare Duke, Michael (Geoffrey)

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HARE DUKE, Michael (Geoffrey)

HARE DUKE, Michael (Geoffrey). Scottish (born British India), b. 1925. Genres: Novellas/Short stories, Poetry, Psychology, Theology/Religion. Career: Ordained Deacon, 1952; Priest, 1953; Curate, St. Johns Wood Church, 1952-56; Vicar, St. Mark's Bury, 1956-62; Vicar, St. Paul's Daybrook, 1964-69; Officiating Chaplain to the Forces, E. Midlands Headquarters, 1968-69; Bishop of United Diocese of St. Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane, 1969-94. Pastoral Director, 1962-64, and Consultant, 1964-69, Clinical Theology Association; Chairman, Scottish Pastoral Association, 1972-76; Chairman, Scottish Association for Mental Health, 1978-85; Chairman, Age Concern Scotland, 1994-2000. Member, Scottish Institute of Human Relations, 1974-. Publications: (co-author) The Caring Church, 1963; (co-author) First Aid in Counselling, 1968; Understanding the Adolescent, 1969; The Break of Glory, 1970; Freud, 1972; Good News, 1978; Stories, Signs, and Sacraments in the Emerging Church, 1982; Praying for Peace: Reflections on the Gulf Crisis, 1991; Hearing the Stranger, Poems, Reflections and Hymns, 1994; Exits and Entrances, 1997; One Foot in Heaven: Growing Old and Living to the Full, 2001. Address: 2 Balhousie Ave, Perth PH1 5HN, Scotland. Online address: BishMick@aol.com

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