Guarnieri, Patrizia

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GUARNIERI, Patrizia. Italian, b. 1954. Genres: Literary criticism and history, Psychiatry, History, How-to books. Career: University of Florence, Italy, teacher of Italian at Centro di Cultura per Stranieri, 1978-81, lecturer in moral philosophy, 1979-81, librarian at Architecture Library, 1980-81; Stanford University, Program in Italy, Florence, lecturer in Italian, 1982-93, lecturer in history of science, 1986-93; teacher of the history of psychiatry for psychiatric nurses, 1988-91; University of Trieste, professor of history of science, 1988-91; Istituto degli Innocenti, researcher, 1992-93; European University Institute, Jean Monnet Fellow, 1989-90, visiting professor, 2000. Publications: Luigi Credaro: Lo studioso e il politico, 1979; Filosofia e scuola nell'eta giolittiana, 1980; La Rivista Filosofica, 1899-1908: Conoscenza e valori nel neokantismo italiano, 1981; Introduzione a James, 1985; (ed.) Luigi Credaro nella scuola e nella storia, 1986; Individualita difformi: La psichiatria antropologica di Enrico Morselli, 1986; L'ammazzabambini: Legge e scienza in un processo toscano dell'Ottocento, 1988, trans. by C. Mieville as A Case of Child Murder: Law and Science in Nineteenth-Century Tuscany, 1993; La storia della psichiatria: Un secolo di studi in Italia, 1991; "Dangerous Girls": Family Secrets and Incest Law, 1998. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Via A. Baldesi 12, 50130 Florence, Italy. Online address:

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Guarnieri, Patrizia

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