Grow, L(ynn) M(erle)
GROW, L(ynn) M(erle)
GROW, L(ynn) M(erle). American. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, assistant professor, 1972-77; University of Maryland Far East Division, lecturer, 1977-81; College of the Bahamas, Nassau, lecturer in English, 1981-82, English language coordinator, 1982-83; Broward Community College, Davie, FL, senior professor of English, 1983-. Publications: The Prose Style of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1976; The Epistolary Criticism of Manuel A. Viray: In Memoriam, 1998; The Novels of Bienvenido N. Santos, 1999; World Enough and Time: Epistemologies and Ontologies in Modern Philippine Poetry, 2000; Distillation and Essence: World View in Modern Philippine Literature, 2002; And Quiet Flows the Dawn, 2003. Contributor to scholarly periodicals. Contributor of book reviews to periodicals. Address: Broward Community College, Central Campus, 3501 SW Davie Rd, Davie, FL 33314, U.S.A. Online address: