Graham, Bob
GRAHAM, Bob. (Robert Graham). Australian, b. 1942. Genres: Children's fiction, Children's non-fiction, Illustrations. Career: Artist, New South Wales. Government Printers, Sydney, 1973-75; Dept. of Technical Education, Sydney, resource designer, 1975-82; Five Mile Press, Melbourne, illustrator, 1982-83. Publications: FOR CHILDREN. SELF-ILLUSTRATED FICTION: Pete and Roland, 1981; Here Comes John, 1983; Here Comes Theo, 1983; Pearl's Place, 1983; Libby, Oscar and Me, 1984; Bath Time for John, 1985; First There Was Frances, 1985; Where Is Sarah?, 1985; The Wild, 1986; The Adventures of Charlotte and Henry, 1987; Crusher Is Coming!, 1987; The Red Woollen Blanket, 1987; Has Anyone Seen William?, 1988; Grandad's Magic, 1989; Greetings from Sandy Beach, 1990; Rose Meets Mister Wintergarten, 1991; Brand New Baby, 1992; Spirit of Hope, 1993; Zoltan the Magnificent, 1994; Queenie the Bantam, 1997; Buffy, 1999; Max, 2000; Let's Get a Pup, 2001; Jethro Byrde, 2002. NON-FICTION (readers): I Can series: Actions 1, Actions 2, Babies, Bikes, Colour, Families, Helping, In the Water, My Senses, Pets, School, Shopping, 12 vols., 1984, in U.K. as Reading Is Fun series, 12 vols., 1986; Science Early Learners series: Heat, Moving, Push, Senses, Sound, Water, Wheels, 7 vols., 1985-86; Busy Day Board Books: Playing, Sleeping, Waking, 3 vols., 1988; (ed.) A First Australian Poetry Book, 1983. Illustrator of books by R. Harvey, K. Heinze, A.B. Ingram, I. Opie, M. Rosen, J. Ryles, E. Wignell. Address: 34 Melville St, Hawthorn, VIC 3122, Australia. Online address: