Goddard, Hugh (P.)

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GODDARD, Hugh (P.)

GODDARD, Hugh (P.). British, b. 1953. Genres: Theology/Religion. Career: College of St. Paul and St. Mary, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, lecturer in Islamic studies, 1981-84; University of Nottingham, Nottingham, England, lecturer in Islamic theology, 1984-. Nottingham Christian-Muslim Forum, secretary, 1990-94. Publications: Christians and Muslims: From Double Standard to Mutual Understanding, 1995; Muslim Perceptions of Christianity, 1996; History of Christian-Muslim Relations, c. 2000. Address: Department of Theology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RP, England. Online address: hugh.goddard@atsnottingham.ac.uk

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Goddard, Hugh (P.)

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