Glantz, Kalman

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GLANTZ, Kalman

GLANTZ, Kalman. American, b. 1937. Genres: Administration/Management, Psychology. Career: Psychotherapist in private practice, Cambridge, MA, 1977-. Campaign Research Associates (political and economic issues development firm), founder and director, 1975-80; Lesley College, Cambridge, professor of economics and social science, 1977-85; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, visiting scientist, 1996-99; Virtual Reality Therapies, Inc., clinical director, 1996-99. Publications: (with J.K. Pearce) Exiles from Eden: Psychotherapy from an Evolutionary Perspective, 1989; (with J.G. Bernhard) Staying Human in the Organization. Address: 12 Kinnaird St, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A. Online address:

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