Freke, Timothy

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FREKE, Timothy

FREKE, Timothy. British, b. 1959. Genres: Philosophy. Career: Author, philosopher, composer. Publications: Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, 1995; (with others) Exotic Massage for Lovers, 1996; Heaven: An Illustrated History of the Higher Realms, 1996; (with P. Gandy) The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs, 1997; (Compiler) Children's Visions of Heaven and Hell: Innocent Observations on the Afterlife, 1997; Zen Wisdom: Daily Teachings from the Zen Masters, 1997; (with P. Gandy) The Complete Guide to World Mysticism, 1998; (with P. Gandy) The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers, 1998; The Wisdom of the Christian Mystics, 1998; The Wisdom of the Hindu Gurus, 1998; The Wisdom of the Sufi Sages, 1998; The Wisdom of the Tibetan Lamas, 1998; The Wisdom of the Zen Masters, 1998; The Illustrated Book of Sacred Scriptures, 1998; The Way of the Desert, 1998; The Way of the Sea, 1999; Zen Made Easy: An Introduction to the Basics of the Ancient Art of Zen, 1999; Shamanic Wisdomkeepers: Shamanism in the Modern World, 1999; Taoist Wisdom: Daily Teachings from the Taoist Sages, 1999; (with P. Gandy) The Jesus Mysteries: Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God?, 2000; The Encyclopedia of Spirituality: Information and Inspiration to Transform Your Life, 2000; (with P. Gandy) Jesus and the Lost Goddess: The Secret Teaching of the Original Christians, 2001. Address: c/o Susan Mears Literary Agency Crosswinds, Oaksey Park Farm, Oaksey nr Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 9SD, England. Online address:

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