Engs, Ruth C(lifford)

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ENGS, Ruth C(lifford)

ENGS, Ruth C(lifford). American, b. 1939. Genres: History, Medicine/Health. Career: Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, assistant professor, 1970; Indiana University-Bloomington, assistant professor, 1973-79, associate professor, 1980-92, professor of applied health science, 1992-. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, visiting professor, 1980. Publications: Responsible Alcohol and Drug Use, 1978; Alcohol and Other Drugs: Self Responsibility, 1987; Clean Living Movements: American Cycles of Health Reform, 2000. EDITOR: Controversies in the Addiction Field, 1990; Women: Alcohol and Other Drugs, 1991. Contributor to professional journals. Address: IU Research Park, 501 N. Morton, Showers Building, Ste. 101, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47404, U.S.A. Online address: engs@indiana.edu