Ellyard, David
ELLYARD, David. Australian, b. 1942. Genres: Astronomy, Meteorology/Atmospheric sciences, Technology. Career: Physicist in Antarctica, 1965-67; science teacher and senior master at a school in Sydney, Australia, 1969-72; Australian Broadcasting Co., Sydney, radio and television broadcaster, 1972-87; public servant in Sydney, 1988-; New South Wales Department of State and Regional Development, Sydney. University of New England, member of board of governors, 1990-93. Publications: Oliphant, 1981; The Proud Arch, 1982; Quantum, 1987; Sky Watch, 1988, rev. ed., 1998; Handbook of Southern Sky Astronomy, 1993; Droughts and Flooding Plains, 1994; (coauthor) The Southern Sky Guide, 1994, 2nd ed., 2000; Weatherwise, 1999. Address: 9 Redgrove Ave, Beecroft, NSW 2119, Australia. Online address: ellyard@one.net.au