Eldridge, John E. T.
ELDRIDGE, John E. T. British, b. 1936. Genres: Sociology. Career: University of York, lecturer and sr. lecturer, 1964-69; University of Bradford, professor, 1969-72; University of Glasgow, professor of sociology, 1972-. Publications: Industrial Disputes: Essays in the Sociology of Industrial Relations, 1968; (ed.) Max Weber: The Interpretation of Social Reality, 1971; Sociology and Industrial Life, 1971; (with A. D. Crombie) Sociology of Organizations, 1974; (with Glasgow University Media Group) Bad News, 1976; (with Glasgow University Media Group) More Bad News, 1980; Recent British Sociology, 1980; C. Wright Mills, 1983; (with Glasgow University Media Group) War and Peace News, 1985; (co-author) Just Managing, 1985; (co-author) Industrial Society and Economic Crisis, 1991; (co-author) Targetting Moscow: Talking about Trident, 1991; (ed.) Getting the Message: News, Truth and Power, 1993; (with L. Eldridge) Raymond Williams: Making Corrections, 1994; (ed.) The Glasgow University Media Group Reader, 1995; The Mass Media and Power in Modern Britain, 1997; (ed. with J. Macinnes, S. Scott, C. Warhurst, and A. Witz) For Sociology: Legacies and Prospects, 2000. Address: Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology, 61 S. Park Ave., University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland. Online address: J.E.T.Eldridge@socsci.gla.ac.uk