Eldridge, Colin Clifford
ELDRIDGE, Colin Clifford
ELDRIDGE, Colin Clifford. British, b. 1942. Genres: History. Career: University of Edinburgh, post-doctoral fellow, 1966-68; University of Wales, Saint David's University College, Lampeter, lecturer, 1968-75, senior lecturer, 1975-92, reader in history, 1992-99, professor of history, 1999-. Publications: England's Mission: The Imperial Idea in the Age of Gladstone and Disraeli, 1868-80, 1973; Victorian Imperialism, 1978; The Zulu War: Origins, Course and Aftermath, 1996; Disraeli and the Rise of a New Imperialism, 1996; The Imperial Experience: From Carlyle to Forster, 1996. EDITOR: Essays in Honour of C.D. Chandaman, 1980; British Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century, 1984; From Rebellion to Patriation, 1989; Empire, Politics and Popular Culture, 1990; Kith and Kin: Canada, Britain and the United States from the Revolution to the Cold War, 1997. Address: Tanerdy, Ciliau Aeron, Lampeter, Dyfed, Wales. Online address: c.eldridge@lamp.ac.uk