Elcock, Howard (James)

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ELCOCK, Howard (James)

ELCOCK, Howard (James). British, b. 1942. Genres: Public/Social administration, History, Politics/Government. Career: Professor of Government, University of Northumbria, 1984. Lecturer and Sr. Lecturer in Politics, University of Hull, 1966-81; Visiting Professor of Political Science, State University of New York College at Fredonia, 1993-94. Member, Humberside County council, 1973-81. Publications: Administrative Justice, 1969; Portrait of a Decision: The Council of Four and the Treaty of Versailles, 1972; Political Behaviour, 1976; (with S. Haywood) The Buck Stops Where? Accountability and Control in the NHS, 1980; (with M. Wheaton) Local Government, 1982, 1994; (ed. with G. Jordan) Learning from Local Authority Budgeting, 1987; (with G. Jordon and A. Midwinter) Budgeting in Local Government: Managing the Margins, 1989; Change and Decay: Public Administration in the 1990s, 1991; Political Leadership, 2001. Address: Social Sciences Research Centre, University of Northumbria, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 8ST, England. Online address: howard.elcock@unn.ac.uk

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