Elbirt, Paula M.

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ELBIRT, Paula M.

ELBIRT, Paula M. Also writes as Dr. Paula. American, b. 1954. Genres: Medicine/Health. Career: MDS4KIDS, PC, New York, NY, president, 1984-99; drpaula.com Inc,, Washington, NJ, medical director, 1997-2001; Children's Aid Society of New York, medical director, 2002-. Worked in pediatric pulmonology and was director of pediatric primary care education, Brooklyn Hospital, Brooklyn, NY. Publications: (with L. Small) A New Mother's Home Companion, 1993; (with S. Solin) The Seventeen Guide to Sex and Your Body, 1996; Dr. Paula's House Calls to Your Newborn: Birth through Six Months, 2000; Dr. Paula's Good Nutrition Guide for Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers, 2001; 365 Ways to Get Your Child to Sleep, 2001; Ask Dr. Paula, 2002; Johnson's Mother and Baby, 2003. Address: 150 E. 77th St., New York, NY 10021, U.S.A. Online address: pelbirt@nac.net

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