Dryfoos, Joy G.

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DRYFOOS, Joy G. American, b. 1925. Genres: Psychology. Career: Community organizer for public schools in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY, 1959-60; Research, Writing, and Editing Associates, research associate, 1960-66; Planned Parenthood Federation of America, research associate, 1967-68; Alan Guttmacher Institute, director of research and planning, fellow, and consultant, 1969-81; independent researcher, writer, and lecturer, 1981-. Sarah Lawrence College, research associate for National Commission on Community Health Services, 1981-; lecturer at universities; guest on television programs. Member of panels and committees; consultant. Publications: Putting Boys in the Picture: A Review of Programs to Promote Sexual Responsibility among Male Adolescents, 1988; Adolescents-at-Risk: Prevalence and Prevention, 1990; Full Service Schools: A Revolution in Health and Social Services for Children, Youth, and Families, 1994; Safe Passage: Making It through Adolescence in a High Risk Society, 1998; Inside Full Service Community Schools, 2002. Address: 20 Circle Dr, Hastings on Hudson, NY 10706, U.S.A. Online address: jdryf65322@aol.com