Desantis, Vincent P.

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DESANTIS, Vincent P.

DESANTIS, Vincent P. American, b. 1916. Genres: History. Career: Professor of American History, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, since 1949 (Chairman, Dept. of History, 1963-71); now emeritus. Publications: Republicans Face the Southern Question: The New Departure Years 1877-1897, 1959; (co-author) Our Country, 1960; (co-author) Roman Catholicism and the American Way of Life, 1960; (co-author) America's Ten Greatest Presidents, 1961; (co-author) The Gilded Age: A Reappraisal, 1963; (co-author) The Democratic Experience, 1963, 5th ed. 1981; (co-author) America Past and Present, 2 vols., 1968; (co-author) American Foreign Policy in Europe, 1969; (co-author) America's Eleven Greatest Presidents, 1971; (compiler) The Gilded Age, 1973; The Shaping of Modern America 1877-1914, 1973, 2nd ed. 1877-1920, 1989, 3rd ed, 1998; (co-author) Six Presidents from the Empire State, 1974; (co-author) The Heritage of 1776, 1976; (co-author) The Impact of the Cold War: Reconsiderations, 1977; (co-author) A History of United States Foreign Policy, 4th ed. 1980; (co-author) Region, Race and Reconstruction, 1982; (co-author) Popular Images of American Presidents, 1988. Address: Dept. of History, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, U.S.A. Online address:

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