Decandido, Keith R. A.
DECANDIDO, Keith R. A. American. Genres: Science fiction/Fantasy. Career: Library Journal, assistant editor, 1990-93; Byron Preiss Visual Publications and Multimedia Company, New York, NY, associate editor, then editor, of science fiction, fantasy, and horror, starting in 1993. Publications: (with J.R. Nieto) Spider-Man: Venom's Wrath, 1998; (with C. Golden and N. Holder) Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Watcher's Guide, 1998; Buffy: The Vampire Slayer: The Xander Years, 1999; (with Nieto) Spider-Man: Venom's Rage, in press. EDITOR: (with B. Preiss and J.G. Betancourt) The Ultimate Alien, 1995; (with Preiss and Betancourt) The Ultimate Dragon, 1995; (with Preiss and R. Silverberg) Virtual Unrealities: The Short Fiction of Alfred Bester, 1997; (with J. Sherman) Urban Nightmares (short stories), 1997. Author of episodes for Marvel Comics. Short stories published in anthologies. Contributor of reviews, interviews, and articles to periodicals. Address: 21 West 100th St., New York, NY 10025, U.S.A. Online address: