de Vorsey, Louis, Jr.

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DE VORSEY, Louis, Jr.

DE VORSEY, Louis, Jr. American, b. 1929. Genres: Geography. Career: University of Georgia, Athens, professor of geography, 1967-, now emeritus. Publications: The Indian Boundary in the Southern Colonies, 1763-1775, 1966; De Brahm's Report of the General Survey in the Southern District of North America, 1971; The Georgia-South Carolina Boundary, 1982; Keys to the Encounter: A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of the Age of Discovery, 1992; (with M.J. Rice) The Plantation South, 1992; (with W.P. Cumming) The Southeast in Early Maps, 1998. EDITOR: The Atlantic Pilot, 1974; (with J. Parker) In the Wake of Columbus, 1985; (with D. Dallmeyer) Rights to Oceanic Resources, 1989. Address: 587 Harris Rd, Lexington, GA 30648, U.S.A. Online address:

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