Czerneda, Julie E(lizabeth)
CZERNEDA, Julie E(lizabeth)
CZERNEDA, Julie E(lizabeth). Canadian, b. 1955. Genres: Education, Science fiction/Fantasy. Career: University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, senior demonstrator in biology, 1979-82; writer and editor, 1985-. Czerneda Publishing Inc., president, 1991-98. Publications: SCIENCE FICTION: A Thousand Words for Stranger, 1997; Beholder's Eye, 1998. Work represented in anthologies. NONFICTION: Science Probe 9, with teacher's guide, 1986, 2nd ed, 1993, as Science Probe 1, 1996; Science Explorations 10, 1987, teacher's guide, 1988; Science Dimensions 8, 1991; Science Dimensions 9, 1992; Science Dimensions 9 Investigations, 1993; Career Connections: Careers for People Interested in Living Things, 1993; Career Connections: Teacher Resource Bank, Vol I, 1993, Vol II, 1995, Vol III, 1997; Career Connections: Careers for People Who Like to Work with Their Hands, 1994; Career Connections: Careers for People Interested in Communications Technology, 1995; Career Connections: Careers for People Fascinated by Government and the Law, 1995; By Design: Technology, Integration, and Exploration, 1996; All Aboard: CrossCurricular Design and Technology Activities and Strategies, 1996; Take a Technowalk to Learn about Structures and Materials, 1996; (ed. and contrib) Packing Fraction and Other Tales of Science and Imagination, 1998; No Limits: Developing Scientific Literacy Using Science Fiction, 1998. Author of teacher's materials. Address: 4008 Martindale Crescent, Orillia, ON, Canada L3V 6H2. Online address:;