Cramer, Stanley H.

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CRAMER, Stanley H.

CRAMER, Stanley H. American, b. 1933. Genres: Education, Psychology. Career: State University of New York at Buffalo, professor, 1965-2001. Publications: (with E.L. Herr) Guidance of the College Bound: Problems, Practices, and Perspectives, 1968; (with E.L. Herr, C.N. Morris and T.T. Frantz) Research and the School Counselor, 1970; (ed. with J.D. Hansen) Group Guidance and Counseling in the Schools, 1971; (with E.L. Herr) Vocational Guidance and Career Development in the Schools: Toward a Systems Approach, 1972; (with E.L. Herr) Career Guidance through the Lifespan: Systematic Approaches, 1979, 5th ed., 1996; (with E.L. Herr) Controversies in the Mental Health Professions, 1987; (with J.C. Hansen and R.H. Rossberg) Counseling: Theory and Process, 1993; (with E.L. Herr) Career Guidance and Counseling through the Lifespan, 1996. Address: 1676 Starling Dr, Sarasota, FL 34231, U.S.A. Online address: