Corley, Thomas Anthony Buchanan

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CORLEY, Thomas Anthony Buchanan

CORLEY, Thomas Anthony Buchanan. British, b. 1923. Genres: Business/Trade/Industry, Economics, History, Biography. Career: Sr. Lecturer in Economics, University of Reading, 1968-88 (Lecturer, 1962-68), currently part-time; Bank of England, 1950-56 (Central Bank of Iraq, Baghdad, Director of Issue Dept., 1953-55); Dept. of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge, 1956-58; Assistant Lecturer and Lecturer, Queen's University, Belfast, 1958-62. Publications: True Book about Napoleon, 1958; Democratic Despot: A Life of Napoleon III, 1961; (ed.) Otto Wolff: Ouvrard, Speculator of Genius, 1962; Domestic Electrical Appliances, 1966; Quaker Enterprise in Biscuits: Huntley & Palmers of Reading 1822-1972, 1972; History of the Burmah Oil Company, 2 vols., 1983, 1988. Address: University of Reading Business School, Centre for International Business History, Department of Management, PO Box 218, Reading RG6 6AA, England. Online address:

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