Cordingly, David

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CORDINGLY, David. British, b. 1938. Genres: Art/Art history, History. Career: Freelance writer. Graphic Designer, Peter Hatch Partnership, 1963-65; Exhibition Designer, British Museum, 1967-71; Keeper of Art Gallery and Museum, Brighton, 1971-78; Museum of London, assistant director, 1978-80. National Maritime Museum, London, Keeper of Pictures, Head of Exhibitions 1980-93. Publications: Marine Painting in England 1700-1900, 1974; Painters of the Sea, 1979; The Art of the Van de Veldes, 1982; Nicholas Pocock, 1986; Captain James Cook, Navigator, 1988; Pirates, Fact and Fiction, 1992; Under the Black Flag, the Romance and Reality of Life among the Pirates, 1995; Pirates, an Illustrated History, 1996; Ships and Seascapes: An Introduction to Maritime Prints, Drawings and Watercolours, 1997; Women Sailors and Sailors' Women, 2001. Address: 2 Vine Place, Brighton, Sussex BN1 3HE, England. Online address:

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