Corcoran, Neil (Cornelius)

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CORCORAN, Neil (Cornelius)

CORCORAN, Neil (Cornelius). British (born Ireland), b. 1948. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England, lecturer, beginning in 1974, senior lecturer in English literature, 1991-; University of Wales Swansea, Professor of English, 1994-96; Professor of English, University of St. Andrews, 1996-. Publications: The Song of Deeds: A Study of The Anathemata of David Jones, 1982; Seamus Heaney, 1986; (ed.) The Chosen Ground: Essays on the Contemporary Poetry of Northern Ireland, 1991; English Poetry since 1940, 1992; After Yeats and Joyce, 1997; The Poetry of Seamus Heany: A Critical Study, 1998; Poets of Modern Ireland, 1999. Address: School of English, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews KY16 9AL, England. Online address: