Cooke, Jacob Ernest

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COOKE, Jacob Ernest

COOKE, Jacob Ernest. American, b. 1924. Genres: History, Biography. Career: John H. MacCracken Professor Emeritus of History, Lafayette College, Easton, PA, 1990- (John H. MacCracken Professor, 1963-90). Assistant Professor, Columbia University, NYC, 1956-62; Professor and Head of History Dept., Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, 1962-63. Publications: Frederick Bancroft: Historian, 1956; A History of the U.S. 1946-1960, 1965; Tench Coxe and the Early American Republic, 1977; Alexander Hamilton, 1982. EDITOR: The Federalist, 1962; (assoc.) The Papers of Alexander Hamilton, vols. I-XV, 1963-72; Reports of Alexander Hamilton, 1965; Alexander Hamilton, 1965; The Challenge of History, 1965; A History of the American Colonies, 13 vols., 1973-86; Encyclopedia of the North American Colonies, 3 vols., 1993. Address: Dept. of History, Lafayette College, Easton, PA 18042, U.S.A. Online address: