Clapper, Gregory S(cott)

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CLAPPER, Gregory S(cott)

CLAPPER, Gregory S(cott). American, b. 1951. Genres: Inspirational/Motivational Literature, Theology/Religion. Career: Westmar College (now Teikyo Westmar University), LeMars, IA, assistant professor, 1985-89, associate professor of religion and philosophy, 1989-91; senior minister of United Methodist church in Waverly, IA, 1991-94; Huntingdon College, Montgomery, AL, associate professor in Chapman-Benson Chair of Christian Faith and Philosophy, 1994-98; University of Indianapolis, professor of religion and philosophy, 1998-. Metodistkirkens Studiesenter, Bergen, Norway, visiting professor, 1988; leader of workshops and retreats. Publications: John Wesley on Religious Affections, 1989; As if the Heart Mattered: A Wesleyan Spirituality, 1997; When the World Breaks Your Heart: Spiritual Ways to Live with Tragedy, 1999; Living Your Heart's Desire, 2005. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals. Address: 243 Hawthorne Ln, Greenwood, IN 46142, U.S.A. Online address:

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