Christ, Ronald

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CHRIST, Ronald

CHRIST, Ronald. American, b. 1936. Genres: Architecture, Literary criticism and history, Translations. Career: Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY, assistant professor, 1961-68; Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, professor of English, 1969-96, professor emeritus, 1996-. Review, editor, 1970-78; Sites, managing editor, 1979-95; Lumen Books, co-publisher, 1983-. Center for Inter-American Relations, director, Literature Program, 1973-78; American PEN, executive board, 1978-83; PEN New Mexico, president, 2002-. Publications: The Narrow Act: Borges' Art of Allusion, 1969; (with D. Dollens) Nomadic Design: New York; (ed.) The Brotherhood, by W. Vasulka, 1998. TRANSLATOR: (with G. Kolovakos) Capt. Pantoja and the Special Service, by M. Vargas Llosa, 1978; (with G. Kolovakos) The Cubs and Other Stories, 1979; Under a Mantle of Stars, by M. Puig, 1985; Augusto Torres, by G. Castillo, 1986; (with G. Waldman) Borges in/and/on Film, by E. Cozarinsky, 1988; The Architecture of Jujol, by J.M. Jujol, 1997; E. Luminata, by D. Eltit, 1997. Address: 40 Camino Cielo, Santa Fe, NM 87501, U.S.A. Online address:

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