Chrisman, Miriam Usher

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CHRISMAN, Miriam Usher

CHRISMAN, Miriam Usher. American, b. 1920. Genres: Cultural/Ethnic topics, History, Theology/Religion, Bibliography. Career: National Resources Planning Board, Washington, D.C., research assistant, 1941-43; National Planning Association, Washington, D.C., research assistant, 1943-46; teacher in private girls' schools in Wellesley, Mass., 1946-47, Baltimore, Md., 1947-49, and Northampton, Mass., 1949-57; Smith College, Northampton, instructor in history, 1955-57; University of Massachusetts at Amherst, instructor, 1962-63, assistant professor, 1963-68, associate professor, 1968-71, professor of early modern social history, 1972-86, professor emeritus, 1986-. Publications: Strasbourg and the Reform: A Study in the Process of Change, 1967; Bibliography of Strasbourg Imprints, 1480-1599, 1982; Lay Culture, Learned Culture: Books and Social Change in Strasbourg, 1480-1599, 1982; Conflicting Visions of Reform: German Lay Propaganda Pamphlets 1519-1530, 1996. EDITOR: (with K. Mellon, Jr.) Like It Was, Like It Is: People and Issues in the Western World: A Reader, Vol II, 1972; (with O. Grundler) Social Groups and Religious Ideas in the Sixteenth Century, 1978. Address: 32 Concord Ct, Bedford, MA 01730-2906, U.S.A. Online address:

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